OK, on Tuesday this week Anita took her TiVo away to install in her new flat. Perfectly reasonable of course, it is hers after all, in fact it was only by her typically generous nature that she left it here until she'd settled in...
... thing is, four days on and I'm lost without it! I keep trying to watch TV and then turning it off a few minutes later in frustration when I can't skip the adverts, or being confused by the fact that there's nothing I want to watch waiting for me. I'm already scanning eBay to see how much refurbished TiVos are, which is madness when you consider that I don't actually own a TV! (the one in my house is Anita's too, but at the moment she has nowhere to put it) What bafflles me even more though is how such a brilliant and aparently indespensible gadget failed to take off here in the UK. Only one UK model was ever made and those vanished from the shelves of electrical stores over four years ago.
I can see this going one of two ways, either I'm just going to give up on TV altogether or at some point I'm going to have to get my own TiVo.
Erm, it's not that TiVo didn't take off over here, it's that it only really took off under the brand name Sky Plus ;o)
ah in this (one) sense you're an innocent Owen: I've used both and trust me, Sky+ != TiVo. I'ts a completely different (and vastly inferior) PVR system.
Sky do handle TiVo customer service and subscriptions in the UK under license but it's completely unrelated to Sky+
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