Friday, September 08, 2006

mutter mutter

Stupid UPS, where is my parcel!? (replacement headphones, nothing that exciting) So far they've told me twice that they attempted delivery and found nobody in, which would be frustrating enough if it weren't that (because I am currently a gentleman of leisure and Hame works from home most of the time) I know it to be a pack of lies! Nobody has attempted to deliver anything!


In fairness the new place is a bit tricky to find but I'd much rather the driver just said that so it could be dealt with rather than pretending he's been here and couldn't find anyone to take the parcel - because unless he is both silent and invisible I'm pretty sure he has not... and come to think of it silent invisible delivery men are really in the wrong line of work.

[edit] after posting this I called UPS to chase it up, got a very helpful response from their head office who went off to chase it up, then moments later the (non-hot) delivery guy arrived cheerfully carrying my parcel. So all's well once more.

meanwhile the LiveJournal syndication feed of seems to have gone bonkers, so to anyone over at LJ whose friends page just got deluged with a couple of months' worth of back-posts, my apologies, but it wasn't me!

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