Been a bit fed up of late what with spinning my wheels on this job hunt thing and all, but my friends have been consistently perking me up - like Chris constantly emailing me suggestions of stuff to apply for, or James blethering with me about nothing in particular for an hour or so last night (on his phone bill), or Pip inviting me to lunch tomorrow, or Thursday nights at the Calley with Justin & Keith which seems to have become a (welcome) fixture of my weeks since I got home... and of course there's Hamish being across the hall which I love.
Or last Friday: I'd just heard back about a job I'd interviewed really well for and really wanted, and which in all honesty I thought I'd probably get, only I didn't and was crushed. Liz had some DIY for me to help with which picked me up no end*, then the Friday gang were about being Friday-ish and they completely took me out of myself (with a little help from drinks being a pound at Opium, and the Citrus Club's 80s night).
Today, Justin popped by to say hi (apparently - I was still in bed but knowing he popped by is nice, and Just next time you have my permission to wake me up: I should not have still been asleep at that hour!) then just now Anita showed up to take Hame to the cinema with the gang, not a pick-me-up in itself since I'm not going (no income y'see) but (bless her) in her latest round of sorting she'd uncovered some old films and got them developed, including the lost reel from starting renovating my old house! So I spent a happy hour or so flicking through those and will get them digitised at some point soon so I can sort the first house album out and people can see exactly how much work we did (which is a lot!)
So yeah, today instead of getting bogged down by some greetings card nonsense which I can't join in on, I am just being very thankful for my friends. Happy Wednesday guys!
* yes really, and I know I'm a freak
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