Sunday, September 30, 2007

Best Birthday Ever!

OK, so it was technically a fortnight ago but I'm only just back home*/in internet-connection-land, and besides the whole two week long holiday to celebrate my 30th felt like a gigantic extended birthday to me. I'll post something about it properly once I've caught my breath a bit (and read some of my Friends page which is sitting at skip=80 - eek!) but I just wanted to say thanks (again) to everyone who came along, sent things, text messaged, (and in one spectacular case) called to sing happy birthday onto my voicemail! You've all contributed to making this year my best ever birthday.

*got home last night, just waved off the last of visiting friends and am still unpacking


Chris said...

Thanks (again) for the invite.


Unknown said...

Someone sang Happy Birthday onto your voicemail?!

(Damn! Why didn't I think of that?! :o( )