Thursday, January 11, 2007

Home again!

Well I'm safely back in Ediunburgh, and curiously enjoying the cold and the rain - yes really. I'm sure that part will wear off in a day or two but I am really glad to be home. Will sort out putting pics up soon.


Chris said...

Oh! Photies! Faster!

(If you hadn't picked up from my blog, I am rabidly into my photography at the moment.)

Patrick said...

photography is one thing, file management is another entirely - I've a three month backlog to work through Chris, that's a couple of thousand files just of my own. there's a steady flow of files coming in from friends on the Queensland tour too, you (and anyone else with no patience) can cool your heels looking at the unedited group photobucket here (new files being added every few days) and a couple of other people's albums here and here