Tuesday, March 09, 2004

bouncey links

I've said before that the counters built into these pages simply seemed to be a mechanism for telling me how little traffic this site gets, what I haven't mentioned is that since then that's ceased to be even remotely true, and that I appear to have a fairly broad ranging international readership, so just a quick note to all of you out there who I've never met:


I've also said before that I didn't know how to do bouncey links, refering to a specific entry in one of my archives, in response to which one of you kind people-I-don't-know emailed me a short tutorial on exactly how to do that, so now I do (as you can see if you follow the links in this post) neat eh?

which reminded me to mention that while I did take out all the 'mailto:' links from this page (on account of evil spam-bots) I do welcome email from anyone about anything on the site, the address is dead simple, site related mail can be addressed to mail[at]splateagle.com

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