I am a bad brother, I didn't post my lil' sis her birthday stuff in time and now the big day has arrived with her present and card still at the wrong end of the country. Sorry Al!
My family are generally very forgiving about my inability to get things like this done and out of the way on time, they're an understanding bunch - and after all it's not that I forget the birthdays, I'm very good at remembering... I'm just not so good at actually doing anything about them. The fact that I live far away from my family is no excuse at all, seeing as they also necessarily live far away from me and yet all of them always manage to get things here in time for my birthdays...
So it seems I'm not a totally reformed splat, I had been beginning to think that 2004 was some kind of a miracle year because (are you all sitting down for this one?) I haven't overslept once all year so far! I know that to anyone who doesn't know me that won't sound terribly impressive: the year is only sixteen days old after all and of those I've only had to get up for work on nine mornings. To anyone who does know me however, this news could very well cause dizziness, disorientation and even possibly temporary loss of the power of speech. You see I like sleeping... a lot... a hell of a lot actually, and what's worse is that I'm most accutely conscious of liking to sleep, just about the time that I first wake up, which in the past has led to a lot of mornings where I don't get out of bed until at least fifteen minutes after I really should have done... toward the end of last year there were probably more mornings I overslept than mornings I got up anywhere near on time!
Not so this year (so far!) This week has been my week to make the morning coffees at home ('nite and I are both bad getter-uppers and have a rota for helping each other out) and I've not once had to say 'sorry, it's a bit later than usual' (meaning 'it's as late as usual but that is later than it should be') or worse yet completely failed in my duties. instead I've been getting up when my alarm goes off and being awake in my house for at least a full hour before leaving every day! I even managed to have breakfast on three mornings this week, and only didn't on the other two because I wasn't hungry. I'm discovering a whole new part of the day, and I rather like it - there's something to be said about having the time to get up properly before you leave the house, and it's also nice not worrying about being late into work, especially when you're hoping to need references some time soon!
... maybe this renewal and change is a gradual thing? maybe once I've fully mastered this getting up business (after all it is still early days) I'll find I also remember to post birthday presents three to five working days in advance of the actual loved-one's birthday... here's hoping.
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