Thursday, January 01, 2004


there's a much longer post to be written (and not from this side of a bottle of single malt) that I'll probably back-date to the end of the old year but before I turn in for the first night's sleep of '04 there are a few things I need to get out of my head, mostly centered on the sense that this is going to be a good year.

I've spent a wonderfully chilled New Year with some good friends, good food and drink in a warm and happy place I'm pleased to call my own - the weather outside emphasises that last part pretty fiercely (commiserations to anyone who had an outdoor Hogmanay planned this year!) - it's all contrasted well with an equally enjoyable but very faintly sad xmas spent fighting off an urge to mull over all the missing parts of my life...

Rather than feeling down about all that didn't happen last year I'm excited about the twelve shiny new months of possibilities that just opened up in front of me.

It is going to be a good year.

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