Friday, January 09, 2004

is it that time already?

hm, where did all that time go? *shrugs* well anyway so far so good with this 2004 malarky, I've caught up with most of the important people, navigated a return to work (blegh) and found the first possible-new-job (hereafter "pnj") of the year to apply for, so yay me, I've also been quite astoundingly productive at home and am within a few more afternoons of having an organised and tidy abode, so far my bedroom, and two of the three walk-in cupboards have been 'sorted' the spare room is still in use as a staging area for all the sorting (but you can now see the carpet again so it's getting there) and upstairs is in a fairly tidy variant of its perpetual flux (apart from some drawers where I know there are lurking paper monsters...) nite's cave, er, I mean "room" doesn't count so that only leaves one cupboard (the huge one I plan on turning into a shower room later this year) for me to sort out! aren't I good eh?

tonight is the first official Friday of 2004 (I know it's the second Friday but it's the first one that the whole crowd have been back in Edinburgh for) and we're off out after work, which makes me happy. Also in the happy-making department is the fact that many friends are in various different stages of planning visits, including James & Caz who I haven't seen in far too long.

right, some retrospective entries to post and then I should probably get back to doing what I get paid for eh?

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