OK folks, a confession: I've been holding back a little the last ten days or so* but things are looking good so I'll risk posting about it: I seem to have sold my house! It's not all signed and sealed yet so there are still things that could go wrong,
but all the surveys are done and accepted, we've agreed a (pretty good) price, and a (quite close) moving date, so I
think all that's left is to get signatures on papers, and find myself somewhere else to live.
Good news then, and a HUGE thank you to all of you for being so good about not asking me how it's been going - from watching friends and family go through this house sale process I'm very conscious how smooth a ride I've had so far, and still it's been an exhausting time (and we haven't even got to the box carrying bit yet!) not having to endlessly reiterate where things are up to has been a massive help so thanks for biting your collective tongues!
What's next then? well in the short term a rented flat somewhere in the middle of Edinburgh, preliminary perusals of ESPC's rental pages suggest I should be able to afford something I'll like, and fit inside for less than a pair of limbs, even though this process is inconveniently depositing me on the rental market at the beginning of the Festival (when the city rental market goes a bit loopy) I might just even find somewhere that most of my stuff can fit inside too. Then once the dust settles and I can see what capital I have left over (there will be some, I'm just not sure how much yet) I'll have a think about what I want to do with it and when.
Meanwhile I just had a wonderful long-weekend away in Doncaster visiting with friends and family. I saw and was slobbered on by my ever-growing nephew, hung out all too briefly with my brother and sister-in-law (who are happily visiting me along with the aforementioned drool-monster before I move) caught up with some very dear old friends I'd not had a proper evening with in far too long, stayed up into the small hours with some other old friends with whom I have a history of seeing in the dawn, and spent some good long stretches of time with each of my wonderful parents who I love and don't see nearly enough of.
All in all things are going well - here's hoping they continue to eh?
unless I've seen you in person most likely, in which case I already blurted out most of this as far as whatever stage it had reached then