Lookit! oooh!
Not a great picture because it's getting late and the sun's gone off to play elsewhere now but "ooh"s and "ah"s are in order for the tidyness I think. Sadly almost all the bedding plants I bought in the spring have copped it, first from evil cats stomping on them, and then from getting overgrown by weeds and shrubs. Next time I have time spare I shall potter over to Homebase and buy some new ones.
This time I intend to thwart the cats and their evil schemes by dousing the surrounds of the flower beds with citrus smells - I recently learned from Chris that cats hate citrus smells. Invaluable bit of information I think, since I'm really not fond of felines. Hame thinks we* should plant a lemon tree but I'm not sure it would survive - anyone know for sure either way?
*by "we" he means me, which is cool - I love gardening but dislike mowing the lawn and he quite enjoys mowing the lawn but is baffled by the rest of the garden so it's all mine to play with!
> Anyone who's been to visit lately will probably have noticed what a state our garden has gotten into.
The fact that I live here -- is that excuse enough for why I hadn't noticed?
you don't need an excuse, but yeah you haven't visited so I wasn't including you in that observation... I'm trying to decide if I think Justin would have noticed the sate of it or not... probably not.
Maybe nobody noticed except me, but it was pretty shocking
Tried catpepper?
Or man^H^H^H^H cat traps?
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