Today Hamish (my new flatmate) and I drove in the van to IKEA to brave the crowds and buy ourselves some large items of furniture we wouldn't otherwise be able to transport, we emerged largely successful and only borderline insane. Hame's room is pretty much set once the stuff gets built, mine just needs a bed since I didn't like any of the ones from the land of ice and snow.
So anyway the new flat, it's on the western edge of the city centre (c.5min walk from Princes Street) tucked away off the road in one of the city's "colonies" which paradoxically makes my new urban home look and feel much more rural than my old rural one ever did, look:
That's my new front door seen from the footpath that runs between our garden and the top flat's from the row in front. Cute eh? it's even better inside, or at least it will be once I've finished moving in... speaking of which I have more stuff to go pack so I'll leave it at that for now except to say I'm ecstatic about living in Edinburgh again.
well done! looks lovely. and you've made hamish acquire worldly goods. nobody's been able to do that in years.
oh and take some pics (don't let Hame do it, his camer is shite).
:D thanks! once the dust settles and the furniture's built I'll take and post some interior shots.
Seems the trick with Hame and worldly goods is making it not scary for him - there's not that much room in there though so he's probably worldly good-ed up for now
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