hm. Back in August after I visited Belfast I decided that adding a counter to these pages would be fun, I signed up with OneStat, got my free account set up and then completely forgot to actually implement the damned thing. typical.
Anyway observant readers may note that shortly after the overhaul, little OneStat logos appeared in the lower left corners of my pages - I put them there (together with all the clever javascript code that lies underneath them) last night, and now I can read all manner of interesting information about who visits and how often... turns out the answers (so far) are respectively 'nobody' and 'never' unless you count my own checks to see if a couple of minor tweaks (including the counters themselves) have taken OK.
I'm guessing that this is like watching the kettle - so long as it's new and I keep checking the logs, nobody will have been viewing the site, but once the novelty wears off and I stop compulsively clicking up little (empty) bar charts of my site traffic, there will actually be some... maybe.
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